Posts Tagged ‘Democrats’

Parental rights are first | HeraldTribune.com | Sarasota Florida | Southwest Florida’s Information Leader

In Best Interest of the Child, Civil Rights, education on September 4, 2009 at 9:59 pm

Parental rights are first

Published: Friday, September 4, 2009 at 1:00 a.m.
Last Modified: Thursday, September 3, 2009 at 8:24 p.m.

Regarding the article “GOP objects to Obama’s student speech”:

I actually laughed out loud when I read the statement from Rita Ferrandino, the chairman of the Sarasota Democratic Party, who said that parents should be teaching children to respect the presidency. (Excuse me! Where was this attitude less than a year ago?)

This comes from the announcement that next Tuesday Obama will make the first national address directed to students via the Internet. The message is supposed to stress the importance of education, and, of course, the Department of Education is on board. Some parents are concerned, and have every right to be.

Ferrandino goes on to say, “Parents imposing their views on their children around the president’s being able to speak to them sends a very disturbing message and one frankly that I, as an American, am embarrassed by.” The disturbing message that should be embarrassing (not to mention un-American) is the notion that imposing Obama’s views on children takes precedence over a parent’s views.

Change people can believe in. Well, things are certainly changing and not for the better.

Audrey Lanczki


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Parental rights are first | HeraldTribune.com | Sarasota Florida | Southwest Florida’s Information Leader.