Who Hurt the Baby? 55% of CONVICTED child murderers are the biological MOTHERS

In Best Interest of the Child, Children and Domestic Violence, Childrens Rights, Family Rights on September 1, 2009 at 11:23 pm

Now, almost ten years after the report had been manufactured, it still hasn’t motivated any “peers” to review it. It is doubtful that any reputable researcher will ever come forth and be willing to support the extremely propagandistic views presented in the report.

What are we to think of the credibility of The National Center on Child Fatality Review — Once a liar, always a liar?

Based on the report by Dawson, J., & Langan, P. (1994, “Murder in Families, Bureau of Justice Special Report. Washington, DC: Department of Justice, NCJ-143498,” 55% of convicted child murderers are the biological mothers of the victims. That percentage has crept up to 61 percent since then, because violence by mothers against their children is inexorably increasing year after year.

Would anyone expect prospective criminals to restrain themselves if they are permitted to commit their crimes with impunity and if the crimes that they commit are literally invisible?

The male-bashing that is contained in the above quoted excerpt from the article could be excused if the authors of the report weren’t aware of that DoJ report. However, they included it in the references to chapter one of their report. Biological, married fathers of children account for about 6% of convicted murderers of children. (see also “Single-Mother Households — Accomplishments” and “Women were over half of the defendants (55%) in only one category of family murder: parents killing their offspring”)

There is a problem with violence statistics that are based on convictions. Although the dead body of a child can seldom be successfully hidden, our society is only too ready to look for all kinds of excuses when the obvious perpetrator is a woman. We are surprised, for example, when investigations show that specific women killed all or a number of their children in years gone by. A number of such cases have recently surfaced.

There is no telling how many more of such cases go undetected and unsuspected. That is where the hiding of the truth starts. The myth of the innocence of women is so all-powerful that we are virtually incapable of even suspecting that a woman is truly capable of murdering “her” child. But even if a woman is suspected, it often happens that the powers involved in prosecuting her do all they can to disprove that she could have done the deed.

If no avenue of escape is open, and if a conviction is inevitable, then it happens that the murder of a child is downgraded to manslaughter or even to infanticide (a category of crime of which only women can avail themselves), or it is ruled accidental, if at all possible.

The true number of children murdered by their mothers is for those reasons in reality far higher than statistics based on convictions indicate.
It doesn’t make any difference to the murdered children. They are dead one way or another, and nothing will call them back to life.

However, isn’t it in the best interest of our surviving children to recognize that their lives are most at risk when they are with their mothers without the protection by their fathers, especially if a given mother murdered one of her children already?


  1. Men making more money than women can afford better defense, makes senxe they have less xovictions [OJ]

  2. Yawn

  3. You are so misinformed it’s a comedy

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